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Trans Am Technical Information and Reverse Engineering Page

Trans Am Tech Talk

Aside from the humor, we also want to share some of what we've learned from dismantling Trans Ams. We are going to publish a series of technical articles on these pages about what's original on these cars, how they were built, how things were supposed to work, and how some of these things were shown on the build sheet. We are particularly interested in showing how various options were installed.

Historical Info

Build Sheet Bingo - Documents every build sheet code we can decipher.
Hurst (and other) T-tops - A topless industry born in the 70's.

Projects and How-to

Cannibalize Grand Prix (and other) Seats
Installing quarter panel skins the high-class way on a 67 convertible no less.
Fisher T-tops Dismemberment
Auxiliary wiring harnesses master page


Hey, coolbreeze! - Installing the power window setup
Splendiferous quietude - Firebird deluxe sound insulation
What's really included in deluxe interior


Shaker ID Page (and links)