2004 Trans Am Nationals
Sunday Pictures
As usual, the swap meet was big fun. but then the rain made it kind of a mess. The sign says "Honeycombs with NOS center caps $485 a set"

Here are some assorted 2nd Gen pictures
Chris Dunnet came to the Trans Am Nationals all the way from Belgrade, where he works in the U.S. Embassy, This was the first time he's seen his car. It's one of the 400+ 4-speed 78 Y82's. Nice score Chris!
I'd never seen this black Formula before. It's a 1979 400 4-speed, one of 300+. There's a maroon one also picture farther down. These are both in really great shape.
Here's a pair of Turbo Formulas. The one on the right is a 1980, and the one on the left is a 1981. Why isn't the one on the right wearing Turbo wheels?
This Nocturne Blue 1979 4-speed has a great color combination
Here's the other 1979 Formula 4-speed